Case study from The handbook

Consensus on standards for HF clinics

5 September, 2018

In 2016, the Spanish Society of Cardiology published a consensus for classification and quality standards of HF clinics.

The consensus recommends that HF clinics develop integrated care pathways for HF management, which should incorporate diagnostic criteria and therapeutic recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology guidelines. The consensus further recommends that natriuretic peptide testing and echocardiography be available in HF clinics.

Links, references, and key reading

Anguita Sanchez M, Lambert Rodriguez JL, Bover Freire R, et al. 2016. Classification and Quality Standards of Heart Failure Units: Scientific Consensus of the Spanish Society of Cardiology. Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 69(10): 940-50

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The Heart Failure Policy Network is an independent, multidisciplinary platform made possible with financial support from AstraZeneca, Roche Diagnostics and Bayer. The content produced by the Network is not biased toward any specific treatment or therapy. All outputs are guided and endorsed by the Network’s members. All members provide their time for free. The Network is hosted by The Health Policy Partnership .