Project: European Heart Failure Mission

European Heart Failure Mission
Driving political urgency in heart failure across the EU.

What is the European Heart Failure Mission?

The European Heart Failure Mission aims to secure political recognition and investment for heart failure from the European Union (EU).

In October 2023, we launched our Mission Statement at an event at the European Parliament. This event, hosted by Billy Kelleher MEP and gathering together 50 members of the heart failure community from across Europe, kicked off a multi-year campaign to drive heart failure to the top of the political agenda.

For too long, heart failure has been overlooked by policymakers despite its significant impact on individuals and society as a whole.

The EU is taking on a bigger role in healthcare via the European Health Union and has demonstrated strategic leadership in other disease areas, such as cancer. We believe this shows there is a significant opportunity to drive improvements in heart failure diagnosis and care through the creation of similar EU strategies and initiatives. As the HFPN, we support the calls for a cardiovascular health plan that includes a dedicated strand on heart failure.

The European Heart Failure Mission will continue to develop over time and we look forward to sharing updates about our activities and progress.

Recent key achievements

  • Policy submission to the Hungarian Ministry of Interior on five priority policy areas to address heart failure and reduce cardiovascular disease in Europe.
  • Two written responses from the European Commission on tabled questions on underrepresentation of heart failure.
  • 6 European policymakers spoke at the Mission launch event
  • Mission delegates met with 10 MEPs, 3 health attachés and 2 NGOs.
  • 3 MEPs agreed to table a question on HF to the European Commission
  • 24 organisations formally endorsed the Mission Statement
Mission Slide
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Mission Slide

Who supports the European Heart Failure Mission?

The European Heart Failure Mission is co-created with a working group formed of 14 leading heart failure advocates in Europe. The Mission draws together representatives of patient organisations, professional societies and other research and clinical institutions.

As with all HFPN work, the Mission is also endorsed by the HFPN Steering Committee, Members and Supporting Organisations.

Micheál Martin, Tánaiste (Deputy Head of Government) of Ireland, showed his support for action on heart failure in his address at the European Heart Failure Mission event at the European Parliament on 25 October 2023. He called for increased European action on improving prevention, detection and diagnosis of heart failure. Watch the Tánaiste’s address here:

Policy Champions
Demetris Papadakis
Member of the European Parliament
Frances Fitzgerald
Former Member of the European Parliament
Alessandra Moretti
Member of the European Parliament
Barry Andrews
Member of the European Parliament
Sirpa Pietikäinen
Former Member of the European Parliament
Billy Kelleher
Member of the European Parliament
Tomislav Sokol
Member of the European Parliament

European Heart Failure Mission Working Group

For a full list of HFPN members, please see our Members page.

Dr Toni Bayes
Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol
Laura Cigolot
Health First Europe
Professor Salvatore Di Somma
Associazione Italiana Scompensati Cardiaci
Yvan Devaux
Luxembourg Institute of Health
Luis Filipe Pereira
Association for the Support of Patients with Heart Failure
Penilla Gunther
FOKUS Patient
Winfried Klausnitzer
Herzschwäche Deutschland
Professor Ekaterini Lambrinou
Cyprus University of Technology
Steven Macari
Association Vie Et Coeur
Ambrose McLoughlin
Heartbeat Trust
Professor Mark Petrie
University of Glasgow
Professor Giuseppe Rosano
Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology
Aistė Štaraitė
Lithuanian Heart Failure Association
Professor Izabella Uchmanowicz
Association of Cardiovascular Nursing & Allied Professions

What have we achieved so far?


The Heart Failure Policy Network is an independent, multidisciplinary platform made possible with financial support from AstraZeneca, Roche Diagnostics, Bayer and Netherlands Heart Institute. The content produced by the Network is not biased toward any specific treatment or therapy. All outputs are guided and endorsed by the Network’s members. All members provide their time for free. The Network is hosted by The Health Policy Partnership.