Case study from Heart failure policy and practice in Europe

Implementing a multidisciplinary and integrated HF care model

17 November, 2020

The French Hospitals Federation (Fédération Hospitalière de France, FHF) has initiated a pilot project of a model of multidisciplinary and integrated heart failure care in five territorial hospital groups to improve hear care and promote more efficient use of resources.1 The programme relies on both population responsibility – meaning shared accountability of each heart failure case – and population data.2 This allows for a comprehensive understanding of the challenge heart failure poses, including prevalence and risk stratification, and guides the development of treatment protocols per HF population group.

The FHF has engaged with a number of experts for this project, including professional societies and patient representatives.2 Together they are developing supportive clinical tools and methods, alongside practical tools to assist in the implementation of the programme in other territories. The project recognises the need for a robust IT platform, and the FHF is engaging with high-level stakeholders, including ARSs, to help improve the system currently available.

Expansion of the HF care model will require the support of national, regional or local decision-makers, which the FHF reports to be currently seeking.2


  1. Fédération Hospitalière de France. 2020. Mettre en œuvre la responsabilité populationnelle : la feuille de route de la FHF en matière de systèmes d’informations. Available from: [Accessed 11/10/20]
  2. Malone A. 2020. Interview with Sara C Marques at The Health Policy Partnership (Secretariat for Heart Failure Policy Network) [telephone]. 23/09/20
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The Heart Failure Policy Network is an independent, multidisciplinary platform made possible with financial support from AstraZeneca and Roche Diagnostics. The content produced by the Network is not biased toward any specific treatment or therapy. All outputs are guided and endorsed by the Network’s members. All members provide their time for free. The Network is hosted by The Health Policy Partnership .