Case study from Spotlight series

Improving cardio-oncology in primary care

6 July, 2022

The Spanish Society of Cardiology has created a working group on cardio-oncology to ensure collaboration across care settings, with an emphasis on primary care.

It has developed a report outlining communication lines between primary care and specialists and providing guidance on the monitoring and management of people with cancer at risk of heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases. It also promotes activities such as virtual and in-person meetings to facilitate interdisciplinary discussions and integrated care.


Spanish Society of Cardiology. 2019. SEC-Primaria: Proceso Cardio-Onco-Hematologia (COH). Madrid: SEC

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The Heart Failure Policy Network is an independent, multidisciplinary platform made possible with financial support from AstraZeneca, Roche Diagnostics and Bayer. The content produced by the Network is not biased toward any specific treatment or therapy. All outputs are guided and endorsed by the Network’s members. All members provide their time for free. The Network is hosted by The Health Policy Partnership .