Optimising cardiovascular risk assessment for people undergoing cancer treatment
The cardio-oncology unit at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, UK, has optimised cardiovascular risk assessment of people with cancer, which has increased continuation of cancer treatment. The unit’s multidisciplinary care team is composed of cardiologists, a cardio-oncologist and a specialist nurse, supported by specialists in cardiac imaging.
When first established, the unit promoted the service via a dedicated website and disseminated referral documents. The team introduced a protocol for initial assessment of cardiovascular risk; it discusses each person with cancer and provides a clinical consensus-based decision that balances the severity of their cardiovascular disease and cancer. People at higher risk of cardiotoxicity are closely monitored during cancer treatment and receive long-term follow-up.
Pareek N, Cevallos J, Moliner P, et al. 2018. Activity and outcomes of a cardio-oncology service in the United Kingdom—a five-year experience. Eur J Heart Fail 20(12): 1721-31