On 3 December 2021, the Heart Failure Policy Network (HFPN) and the Italian Association of Patients with Heart Failure (Associazione Italiana Scompensati Cardiaci, AISC) co-hosted Heart failure: advancing community-based management in Italy. The webinar brought together clinical leaders, patient and carer representatives, and national policymakers to discuss urgent priorities for heart failure care.
The event was chaired by Professor Salvatore Di Somma (Professor of Medicine, Department of Medical Surgery at the Sapienza-Università di Roma) and featured the following speakers and presentations:
The webinar closed with a panel discussion on telemedicine in heart failure care, chaired by Professor Francesco Gabbrielli (Director, National Centre for Telemedicine and New Assistive Technologies at the Istituto Superiore Di Sanità). The panel featured Professor Simonetta Scalvini (Head of the Cardiology Rehabilitation Unit, Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri, IRCCS), Rossana Bordoni (carer representative, AISC) and Silvano Segnalini (patient representative, AISC).
We would like to thank the speakers for their excellent contributions, AISC for co-hosting the event, and everyone who attended the webinar for engaging in this vital topic.