Jasper Tromp
NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
Dr Jasper Tromp is Assistant Professor at the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health and Duke-NUS Medical School. He has a strong interest in the quality of care for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in lower- and middle-income countries in Southeast Asia and the interaction of NCDs with tropical infectious diseases. Furthermore, he works in the policy and implementation field of digital health. His work focuses on interventions that facilitate task-shifting of NCD care to primary care or non-physician healthcare workers.
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The Heart Failure Policy Network is an independent, multidisciplinary platform made possible with financial support from AstraZeneca and Roche Diagnostics. The content produced by the Network is not biased toward any specific treatment or therapy. All outputs are guided and endorsed by the Network’s members. All members provide their time for free. The Network is hosted by The Health Policy Partnership .