Sandra Mulrennan
Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Sandra is Head of Nursing at the Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in Cambridge. Her mission is to shape health and clinical research to improve patients’ wellbeing, healthcare experiences and outcomes. She has a particular interest in CVD, diabetes and heart failure, as well as population health and prevention. Her previous roles include Heart Failure Specialist Nurse at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London; Cardiology Nurse Practitioner and Cardiac Service Improvement and Redesign Project Manager at Cambridge University Hospital; and Deputy Chief Operating Officer at the NIHR Clinical Research Network.
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The Heart Failure Policy Network is an independent, multidisciplinary platform made possible with financial support from AstraZeneca and Roche Diagnostics. The content produced by the Network is not biased toward any specific treatment or therapy. All outputs are guided and endorsed by the Network’s members. All members provide their time for free. The Network is hosted by The Health Policy Partnership .